Splinting and Bracing
In this section you will find general information on why splints and braces may be used in the rehabilitation process after brain injury. You will also find a guide for troubleshooting splint or brace challenges.
Splints and Braces- read more
Troubleshooting Splints and Braces- read more
- Caring for your Back:Tips for Caregivers
- Tips for caregiver assisting with Bed Mobility and Bed Mobility video
- General bed positioning
- Bed positioning for weak or unstable shoulder
- Wheelchair positioning and Wheelchair Assessment & Positioning video
Each person will require a different kind of transfer. The most common types of transfers are listed below. Please choose the one recommended by your rehabilitation team.
- Caring for your Back: Tips for caregivers assisting with transfers
- Pivot Transfer Instructions
- Wheelchair to Bed video
- Wheelchair to Toilet video
- Wheelchair to Bathtub video
- Wheelchair to Car video
- Sliding Board Transfer Instructions
- Lift Equipment & Positioning
- Lift Transfer: Bed to Wheelchair and video
- Lift Transfer: Wheelchair to Car and video
- Lift Transfer: To and From Floor and video